Poipoia te Kākano - Reorua bilingual akomanga
Mā te ahurei o te tamaiti ka ārahi i a tātou mahi
Let the child's uniqueness guide our work
This is a special class operating learning in and through te ao Māori. All subjects of our New Zealand Curriculum are taught using a Māori perspective, and where appropriate, in te reo Māori.
Our reorua bilingual programme aims to enact the goal of Māori success as Māori:
- We will support the growth and development of the Māori language.
- We will support the identity, language and culture of Māori learners and their whānau to strengthen belonging, engagement and achievement as Māori so that Māori learners can actively participate in te ao Māori, Aotearoa/New Zealand and the wider world.
Our aim is to provide:
- Teaching or extending our students in and through Te Reo Māori me ōna tīkanga and knowledge of Te Ao Māori.
- Working in partnership with whānau to support their child’s learning and progress through regular hui and learning conferences.
- Preparing our students to succeed as Māori, ensuring the learning is based on a foundation of self knowledge and pride, allowing students to be affirmed in their identity, and to extend their cultural knowledge.
Choosing to be part of Poipoia te Kākano means that the student and their whānau accept and uphold the aims of the programme and will actively support the kaiako and staff responsible. Maidstone Intermediate has the right to remove tamaiti that do not uphold the values.
Taking part in school Kapa Haka is a compulsory component of the programme as well as termly Hui ā Whānau.
2025 Poipoia te Kākano - ENROLMENTS OPEN NOW
Are you interested in a bilingual education for your tamaiti?
Enrolments for our reorua akomanga are now open!
Please fill out the below documentation as well as a MaidstoneIntermediate enrolment form.
Poipoia te Kākano enrolments will close Thursday 26th September 2024 3pm. No enrolments will be considered after this date.
Enrolment form
Registration of Interest
Please email sophie.hudson@maidstone.school.nz if you have any pātai.