Haka Hinepōhatu
Hinepōhatu Mātou ECreated by Matua Pat Melaugh
At the start of the day
Ka tīmata i te Karākia
Mā te whakahihikotanga
Mā te hiringa
Ka taea e au
To start the day…
With motivation
With inspiration
I will succeed
At the end of the day
Kia mutu te rā…
Te whakakōtahi
ngā whanaungatanga,
ngā manaakitanga,
me ngā kaitiakitanga
kua angitu tātou,
Mana tū Mana ora,
Tihei Mauri Ora.
To end the day…
caring for people
and caring for the environment.
We have been successful.
Stand strong. Stand well.
Good health.