
Communication Between Kura and Home

As a kura, we appreciate the importance of regular communication between our kura and home.   We live and work in times where there are a huge variety of different communication methods.

We use the following communication procedures:


Email is the preferred means of communication with the kura and classroom kaiako. Email addresses for all staff can be found on the kura website. There is an expectation that any emails will be acknowledged within two kura days, and issues resolved as soon as is practical.  We do not expect staff to respond to emails after working hours, or during weekends and public/kura holidays.

Kura management or kaiako in charge of activities will email whānau as necessary.


Management or kaiako will call parents if there is a matter to discuss.

Daily Notices

We use Daily Notices to communicate upcoming events, sign-ups, trips, and opportunities with our ākonga. These are shared with every class prior to interval each day. Whānau and ākonga can access these notices from home via our kura website and App.

View Daily Notices


Maidstone’s Newsletter is published fortnightly on a Friday. The link to the Newsletter is emailed to parents and will also be available on our kura website.

The aim of the Newsletter is to share the following information with parents; messages from Senior Management; share success stories from kura and inform parents about important kura events.

View Newsletters


Maidstone Intermediate’s Facebook page is used to share photos and publish upcoming events and activities.  You can find our official Facebook Page here or via the link at the bottom of website.

School App

We have an App to help keep you informed and up-to-date with what’s on at Maidstone Intermediate - kura calendar, term dates, daily notices, alerts about activities your tamaiti is involved in, newsletter, and absence notification link.

To download our App on your phone:

  • Contact the Kura Office for your User ID and Login Details with full instructions on how to access our App.
  • Once you have received the instructions, via email, you will be instructed to go to the App Store on your Apple or Android device. Search ‘eTAP’ to download the @school Mobile App onto your device.
Email The Kura Office

Mā te kimi ka kite, Mā te kite ka mōhio, Mā te mōhio ka mārama
Seek and discover. Discover and know. Know and become enlightened.

What Can Parents Do?

  • Please make sure the kura has your correct contact details, you can email the office at
  • If you are using Facebook - please follow the school page
  • Please ensure you are familiar with the content on the kura website


As a kura we appreciate any communication from home that can assist us in our relationship with ākonga.

We ask parents to adhere to the following arrangements:

  • We have a policy of dealing with issues directly with the staff member involved first
  • We expect parents to contact homeroom kaiako if they have any issues. The kaiako will pass any information on to Senior Management if need be
  • Should parents still feel the issue has not been dealt with, they can contact Senior Management
  • We have a policy of always assuming ‘good intent’. We expect kaiako and whānau to be role models in the way they communicate with others.

Parents should always feel that the kura has an open-door policy, where all kaiako and Senior Management are willing to discuss any issues in a positive and constructive way.