

This means making connections, mahi tahi and being a whānau, who care for each other. It forms our tūrangawaewae - where we belong.


This means showing extended aroha to others and the ao with genuine kindness and compassion. At our kura we value and care for others through our words and actions. We nurture others and ourselves to build mana. Using our gifts and talents so that we can all succeed.



This means we are kaitiaki of the culture at our kura and te ao. We are a whānau who will sustain our environment, so that we and future generations will benefit.

To inspire positive self-belief in learners to think critically and contribute meaningfully in an increasingly changing world.

Ask any Maidstone ākonga what they like most about kura and they will most-likely say “The OPPORTUNITIES”.  Intermediate is a great place to try new things and discover new talents!

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Why An Intermediate?

We are a kura designed to cater for the specific needs of 11, 12 & 13 year olds. Our programmes are designed for this age group, our kaiako love teaching this age group and our spaces are set up for this age group.

Early adolescence is a unique time in life and a real bridge between childhood and early adulthood. Maidstone, like all intermediate kura in NZ, is set up to engage, inspire and cater for the complex needs of early adolescents.

At Maidstone Intermediate, ākonga explore the curriculum through an integrated approach, along with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy skills. Over their two years here, our ākonga will learn from the context of our unifying ideas.

Find Out More About Our Curriculum
Learning In Intermediate Middle Schooling