Learning Support
At Maidstone, we believe that each ākonga has the right to learn and reach their full potential. For those with learning barriers and challenges, we like to work alongside whānau and specialists to find the best solution.
Our Learning Support Coordinator
Learning Support Coordinators (LSC's) are in every kura, Intermediate and College in Upper Hutt. They are a part of the Upper Hutt community.
Their job is to work with whānau, teachers, and available agencies, to help support students with their learning and behavioural needs.
They can be an advocate for your whānau and your child, and can guide you as you work your way through any available support.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s learning or behaviour, please get in touch with our kura Learning Support Coordinator, Deirdre O’Connor at learningcoordinator@maidstone.school.nz or phone 5283094 ext 800.
Deirdre O'Connor
Learning Support Coordinator
Learning Support In The Classroom
We are fortunate to have several very experienced Kaiawhina at Maidstone Intermediate, who work alongside our tamariki.
Our Teacher Aides have skills and support strategies that ensure ākonga can participate in the classroom programmes at their level. Kaiako and Teacher Aides work together to differentiate the programmes so that all ākonga have the opportunity to experience success.
A qualified and experienced kaiako also offers group sessions using the Steps Web program.
Our Learning Centre
Our Learning Centre is well equipped to support our tamariki who need a little extra support with their learning, well-being or behaviour.
We have a wet area shower, accessible toilet and a fully equipped kitchen.
The egg chair, TV, and couch and butterfly chair all support students needing time out to self-regulate. We also run small group teaching with our experienced Teacher Aides.
Individual Learning Plans
Individual Learning Plans are for ākonga identified with specific needs, individual learning plans are prepared by their kaiako/Deputy Principal in consultation with relevant advisers and parents.
If a child is referred to Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB), kaiako work with personnel to provide specific support for the child/ren.
Parent Tutor Reading
The Parent Tutor Reading (PTR) programme has been running at Maidstone Intermediate for many years. It supplements classroom-reading programmes, with ākonga utilising skills and strategies learnt while they’ve been on it.
Ākonga selected for this opportunity are those who are reading just under their reading age, or ākonga who need a bit of reading ‘mileage’. The main learning focus for our ākonga on PTR is comprehension – processing text and understanding its meaning.
Ākonga work individually with a Parent Tutor for 15 minutes each morning, several times a week. Our tutors are parents and community volunteers who have been specially trained for the programme.
If you can spare an hour and a half per week to help our tamariki by becoming a Reading Tutor, please contact Robyn Thayer at robyn.thayer@maidstone.school.nz.