
Parent Help and Volunteering

Parent Help at Kura

Maidstone Intermediate welcomes parent help in a variety of ways. We know we cannot do it without the parents’ help.

Currently, we have the following groups of parents helping us with very important aspects of the kura:


Fundraising is alive and well at Maidstone Intermediate!

The reason is to provide a quality education within a safe, and stimulating environment. Apart from the money aspect, we also value the relationship and network- building that accompanies fundraising. This is also another opportunity for ākonga to learn valuable skills. Some regular fundraisers that we organise include Mufti Days, Fun Run, and Second Hand Uniform Sales. We are always looking for whānau who are keen to support us and get actively involved. If that is you please contact our Principal Wikus Swanepoel at


Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa - Let us keep close together, not wide apart