
Kaupapa Ihitanga

Leadership Opportunities

Developing our young people as leaders is an integral part of middle kura culture. Our aim is to equip and grow young leaders to become people who positively influence the world around them.

Opportunities are given for ākonga to use their gifts and talents to serve others in their kura and wider community. As a kura we invest in workshops, conferences and other opportunities to help ākonga with the development of their leadership skills and abilities.

School Leaders

There are 10 ākonga nominated and voted in by the other ākonga and kaiako.

The School Leaders are responsible for:

  • Leading whole kura assemblies
  • Acting as Peer mediators during lunchtimes
  • Greeting and thanking visitors in the kura
  • Modelling MIS expectations e.g. behaviour, uniform, attitude, application, fair play
  • Being positive role models for ākonga around the kura
  • With the Deputy Principals visiting the Contributing Primary Schools
  • Attending the Open Evening
  • Attending Student Representative Council meetings
  • Organising fundraising initiatives to support our community e.g. Wig Wednesday, Puppy Bikkie Day, Pink Shirt Day

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Each class goes through the process of selecting a ākonga to represent their class as a part of our Student Representative Council.

Role of a Student Representative Council member:

  • Attend SRC meetings each week
  • Check emails for minutes and information
  • Lead a class meeting each week
  • Report classroom meeting items to SRC meetings
  • Contribute ideas to discussions
  • Follow-up and take action on decisions made at SRC
  • Represent the school for Open Days, kura Events, etc
  • Organise events

Rangatahi Maia

Rangatahi Maia is a group of 10 to 16 ākonga who show leadership in different ways. They are expected to assist with kapa-haka practices, and lead haka and waiata. However, their role is much more than this. They are Kaitiaki! Guardians of their culture both in and out of kura. They are Kaiako! Teachers of poi, taiaha, raranga and Te Reo Māori. They are Kaiārahi! mentors and role models to their peers.

Their hui sessions are centered around their ako (education) in Te Ao Māori and possibly Mātauranga Māori alike, and their hautūtanga (leadership skills). These ākonga are built up, and taught to take pride in who they are, where they have come from, and where they are going.


Sports Leaders

School leaders display the following qualities all the time:

  • Responsibility
  • Leadership
  • Punctuality
  • Initiative
  • Promoting syndicate spirit

Our Sports leaders’ roles include:

  • Leading sports groups during whole kura competitions
  • Helping with the organisation for class lunchtime sport
  • Refereeing lunchtime sport when required
  • Supporting the kaiako during PE
  • Part of promoting and organisation of Hauroa Sports Day and Fun Run
  • Report on sporting events at fortnightly assembly

Performing Arts Leaders

The Performing Arts leaders are responsible for:

  • Organising high quality acts to perform at assemblies.
  • Keeping our Performing Arts spaces tidy and creating displays.
  • Promoting upcoming Arts opportunities to the class and kura.
  • Organising cultural events for the kura eg. Maidstone’s Got Talent?.
  • Helping run auditions and cultural groups.

Library Leaders

The Library leaders are responsible for assisting with many of the day-to-day tasks needed to run the library.
Provide valuable input into library development and raise the profile of the library with other ākonga.
