
Assessment & Learning Conversations

Mā te ahurei o te tamaiti ka ārahi i a tātou mahi - Let the child's uniqueness guide our work


The Maidstone Intermediate philosophy is that our ākonga learning is much more than summative assessments. Kaiako use a combination of summative and formative assessments, and ongoing work in the classroom to determine with the ākonga, where they are at with their learning and what their next steps are.


Whānau will receive two written reports throughout the year. These are sent out at the end of term 2 and term 4.

Kaiako / Tamaiti / Whānau Learning Conversations

Whānau are invited to Maidstone Intermediate at least two times a year for three-way learning conversations (kaiako /tamaiti/parents). With whānau support, ākonga will set goals for their learning and behaviour.

Whānau are welcome to contact their child’s kaiako if they have any questions; email is the best way to do this.  View Our People page for contact details.
