
Disaster Management

Maidstone Intermediate has a duty of care to our kura community to plan for events such as fires, earthquakes, lockdowns, and other major risks to the safety of ākonga and staff.

The senior leadership team along with our staff Health and Safety Committee oversee the preparation and management of the emergency response procedures to ensure staff and ākonga are made aware of these procedures, and that there are practices on a regular basis. Also, a large number of staff have up-to-date first aid qualifications.

Communication With Parents

The kura will use the following means to communicate with parents and caregivers in an emergency:

  • Text
  • Email
  • Kura website
  • If the internet, mobile and phone lines are down, we will use a local radio station (Newstalk ZB) to broadcast messages.


If the kura needs to go into lockdown we won’t be letting anyone into the kura once we have shut our doors. We will be under the direction of the NZ Police.

Please wait for information and instruction from us and do not come to the kura until asked to do so.

Updated Contact Information

It is important we have updated contact information so please check that we have current mobile/work/home numbers and emergency contact details. Please email the kura if you have recently changed contact details and your child’s information needs updating.

School Emergency Evacuation Procedures

The procedure differs depending what the reason for evacuation is. The Disaster management and evacuation policy can be found on our School docs site

View SchoolDocs Access Instructions

Reunification Process 

Reunification Process following an emergency event:

  • Parents/caregivers will be sent a text advising them of the emergency.

  • Parents/caregivers/or a person on the ākonga emergency civil defence form need to report to the Admin foyer.
  • A release form will be signed by the parent/caregiver/emergency contact person prior to collecting the ākonga from the classroom. The ākonga is not to go with anyone other than a person listed by their parent/caregiver on their emergency contact form.

All attempts will be made to contact parents or emergency contacts to facilitate the reunification of whānau. We will only release ākonga to people already approved by the parent/caregiver for that purpose. It is important the contact details are up-to-date and accurate.

If contact cannot be made with whānau members or the designated adult, the kura will take care and responsibility for your ākonga who will remain onsite.

The kura has made preparations to provide shelter, food, and water. We have ample water, canned food, muesli bars and medical supplies in storage in the event staff and ākonga have to stay on site.