
Celebrate Our Success

At kura we celebrate success:

  • During Kura Assemblies

  • Articles In Newsletters

  • Rōpū challenge

  • Kura Webpage

  • Kura Facebook Page

  • Weekly Emails From Tumukai

  • Displays Throughout The Kura

Merits and Awards

Gold Tickets

At Maidstone Intermediate we believe that it is important to notice and acknowledge when ākonga are showing our kura values in their daily business. Each kaiako has a number of Gold Tickets to hand out on a weekly basis to ākonga who live the kura values.

At the end of each term we have a Hui Whakanui (Celebration assembly) where ākonga with Gold Tickets can win amazing prizes.

Gold tickets count towards achieving BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD merits. The aim is to achieve a Gold merit by the end of Year 8.

Bronze Merit - 15 gold tickets

Silver Merit - 30 gold tickets

Gold Merit - 45 gold tickets


There are a number of pathways for ākonga to earn the cloth merits that are sewn on their sweatshirts. These include each of the specialist learning areas, all sporting codes, diligence and achievement in classroom learning, cultural activities and events where they are representing the kura, enrichment programmes, and service to the kura.

Annual Service To Kura Awards

We celebrate the many ākonga who contribute on a daily basis to the smooth running of our kura. This reflects our school motto of MOTIVATE, INSPIRE SUCCEED. Some of the many ways we encourage ākonga to get involved and contribute (and at the same time learn valuable life lessons) is to support others, give back to others, and by providing help to the kura.

Each year we acknowledge ākonga who provide their time, skills, and energy to being of service to us in a number of ways. We all benefit from their hard work and time.
Some of these ākonga receive awards and recognition for their service. They are chosen for their commitment, dedication, and skills in a variety of different areas.

Service To Kura Includes:

Tech Squad

Visual Arts Monitors

Gate Keepers




Bus Monitors

Food Technology Monitors

STEAM Monitors

Flag Raisers

Class Librarians

PE Monitors

Tuckshop Monitors

Materials Technology Monitors

Performing Arts Monitors

Fuel the Need - Lunch

Entrance Flag Keepers

Lunchtime Office Helpers


Playground Monitors

Annual Kura Prize-Giving

We formally acknowledge those of our ākonga who have achieved excellence at the annual Prize-giving. Many ākonga begin the year with a goal in mind to be a recipient of a certificate or cup at this event.

Students receive acknowledgement and awards for:

  • Academic Success and Diligence
  • Leadership
  • Performing Arts
  • Effort, Contribution and Achievement in Sports
  • Technology and Arts
  • Qualities of Character