
Kaupapa Ihitanga

Music and Tuition

We offer opportunities for ākonga who wish to learn to sing, play guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, drums, and keyboard. Ākonga who sign up are released from class and have their 30 minute group lesson in the Band Room. We hire out guitars and ukuleles so parents do not have to buy something unless they want to.

Fees are charged at the start of each round, (there are 4 rounds a year) and can be paid by automatic payment if required.

A form can be completed at the start of each round to indicate an interest in music lessons.

Please click on the button to view and fill out the music tuition for 2022.

Music Tuition Form


As ākonga become proficient, they can audition and earn a place in one of the kura bands in Term 1. Kura bands play at kura events and compete at various festivals. Band tuition cost is $20 per term, from Term 2 onwards.
