Wellbeing & Health Support
More Health Information
Each year nurses from the Regional Public Health Immunisation Team visit the kura to offer Boostrix (Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus, and HPV Gardasil immunisations ākonga.
In 2023 the programme is changing to deliver both immunisation to Year 7 ākonga. 2023 will be the transition year – it will be the last year where the nurses will administer the HPV to Year 8 ākonga, and they will start immunising the Year 7 ākonga for both Boostrix and HPV.
Parents and caregivers will receive an information form that will need to be filled out to let us and the Regional Public Health know whether your tamaiti has permission or you do not consent to the immunisations. This will need to be filled out and returned to kura.
Dental Nurse
The Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service van visits the kura each year. During this time they endeavour to see every ākonga, starting with the Year 8 group. The service is based on Moonshine Road, Trentham, and whānau can contact them directly on 0800 Talkteeth (0800 825 583).
Dental care is free* for children from birth until their 18th birthday… That’s something to smile about!
Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service is the community-based dental service providing free (publicly funded) dental care* for children in the Greater Wellington Region (Wellington, Hutt Valley, Mana and Kāpiti Coast).
*Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service does not provide accident (ACC) related dental care, orthodontic treatment or teeth whitening services. Please contact your local dentist if your child requires these.
Head lice or nits are an unwelcome but common event. Please check your tamaiti hair and scalp regularly. Notices informing you of nits in your tamaiti class will be sent home as we become aware.
Vision Checks
A Vision Technician from Regional Public Health visits Maidstone Intermediate, generally in Term 3, to test the distance vision of all Year 7 ākonga, and any Year 8 ākonga who were not tested the previous year or who need retesting.
If the screening picks up a vision problem, your tamaiti will be referred for a full assessment.