
General Information

Breakfast Club

Each morning we have a breakfast club at the kura starting at 7:45 - 8:30. Any ākonga can join for this social event of sharing kai to start the day.

Tuck Shop & Wednesday Specials

On Wednesday lunch times there are sales of “special food items”. Listen to the notices to see what is on special.

Friday lunchtimes the tuckshop is open for more treats.

Lunch Orders

Through Lunchonline, your tamaiti will have a great variety of healthy and tasty school lunches. Order online any time before 9am on the day or delivery, or schedule in advance.

Lunch will be delivered to school at lunchtime. Ākonga come to the Office to collect their ordered lunch at 1:10pm.

MONDAY - Sushi
TUESDAY - Dumplings
WEDNESDAY - Tricky’s Sandwiches
FRIDAY – Sushi
