Wellbeing & Health Support
Wellbeing & Health Support Available at Maidstone
Ākonga wellbeing (or Pastoral Care of ākonga) forms the basis of the education that we offer at Maidstone. Ākonga can learn to their potential if they have a sense of belonging and safety in our kura environment.
Staff conduct ākonga wellbeing surveys to gauge how ākonga are feeling about their experience at Maidstone, and this information is reviewed to ensure that our practices provide the best possible environment and support.
Support is provided via a number of channels:
Classroom Kaiako
Kaiako are the first port of call and they keep a close eye on ākonga within their classes.
Rōpū Leaders
Each rōpū leader is closely involved with ākonga in their rōpū and pays particular attention to their wellbeing.
At Maidstone Intermediate we have counsellors available to talk to and help unpack the stresses and challenges that our tamariki have. We aim for this to be a safe, confidential and empowering space without judgement, as well as providing strategies and tools that are helpful to navigate life’s challenges. This is known as the ‘Meeting Challenges Programme’ and all ākonga who come to see the counsellor will have a permission slip sent home via email, or a paper copy if necessary, to be signed and returned. There is no cost involved. Ākonga are able to access the counsellors themselves, or referrals can be made from whānau, kaiako, senior management or outside services.
If you would like to make a referral for your tamaiti, feel free to email Hannah at hannah.wright@maidstone.school.nz or get in touch with your tamaiti kaiako.
If the counsellor has any concerns in regards to ākonga, their whānau will be contacted. Our counsellor, Hannah, is here from Monday - Thursday from 9am - 3pm but is happy to arrange a time that suits for a meeting or a call with whānau.
Youth Workers
We have Youth Workers at Maidstone. Their focus is to be there for ākonga when times are tough and they need an older ‘sister or brother’.
Deputy Principals
Deputy Principals have responsibility for discipline within the kura and provide additional support to classroom kaiako when necessary. Any instances of bullying or other unacceptable behaviour are taken very seriously.
Our Principal
The Principal has ultimate responsibility for ākonga and takes an active role in resolving issues and providing support where appropriate.