General Information
Sickness or Injury at Kura
We ask that whānau do not send ākonga (students) to our kura (school) when they are sick. Should your tamaiti (children) become ill at kura, whānau will be contacted. Minor injuries are treated in the Medical Room and whānau will be contacted when more medical attention is required, and for all head injuries. In case of emergency, an ambulance will be rung.
If your tamaiti has an allergy or requires medication during kura hours, please contact the kura office. There is an opportunity to declare medical conditions on the Enrolment Form. We strongly advise parents to declare any conditions that may put their tamaiti or others at risk. It is extremely important that the office has up-to-date contact phone numbers should there be an emergency.
Medication at Kura
If your tamaiti is on regular medication that needs to be administered during kura hours, a medication form must be signed by a parent or caregiver at the Office. All medications will be kept in the Office, and be administered by Office staff, as set out on the completed form.
If the medication or dosage changes, a new form needs to be completed. Medication cannot be kept in the classrooms.
The kura car park is for staff and official visitor use only. There is a disabled park outside the Office where ākonga can be dropped off or collected if they have difficulty with mobility. Restricting access to the car park assists the school in providing a safe environment for ākonga.
Bicycles / Scooters / Skateboards
Ākonga are encouraged to come to our kura by bicycle or scooter. Ākonga will not be permitted to ride home without a helmet; in this event, bicycles will be held at Maidstone Intermediate for parents to collect. Please make sure you go over the road rules with your tamaiti.
A bike rack is provided at the kura, and all bicycles should be locked securely to the bike rack, pumps and other equipment should be removed. The kura will take no financial responsibility for theft or damage to bicycles while they are at kura.
Skateboards and scooters can be brought to our kura on any day but are to be used only in the area around the scooter ramp during break and lunchtime. Any ākonga who brings a scooter is asked to supply a combination lock so the scooter can be secured to the scooter rack. Skateboards can be stored in the classroom. The kura does not replace lost or stolen skateboards or scooters.
Mobile Phones & Valuables
Ākonga are not permitted to use mobile phones at kura. Should a ākonga need to bring a mobile phone to kura for use after kura hours, the phone must be switched off, signed in, and handed to the classroom kaiako (teacher) at the start of the day for safe keeping for the day.
The kura is not personally responsible for damage or loss to ākonga devices, but can ensure that these will be locked away safely if handed in.
Personal Belongings
Please clearly name all possessions including clothing, socks and footwear. Every classroom kaiako has a lockable classroom cupboard. While ākonga are discouraged from bringing valuables to our kura, when it is necessary such items should be given to the kaiako for secure storage during the day. It is not recommended that ākonga leave valuables in their bags.
Taking responsibility for their own belongings is an important aspect of their learning. Parents are advised to have their own insurance cover for the loss of, or damage to, their tamaiti personal property. The kura accepts no responsibility for articles that are lost or stolen.
Lost Property
Lost property is collected from around the kura and kept in an orange bin in the Performing Arts foyer. You or your tamaiti may request access to this space to search for any lost items if the need should arise. To prevent items being misplaced, please label ALL your tamaiti clothing; including their hats before the kura year commences.
Damage to Property
Ākonga are expected to look after their own property, as well as that of others. Where ākonga wilfully damage the property of the kura, or that of other ākonga, they will be expected to meet the full cost of repair or replacement. In cases of accidental damage to kura property, the extent of any charge will depend on the involvement in the incident.
Mufti Days
The Student Representative Council (SRC) holds occasional mufti days to raise funds for their chosen charities (e.g. Starship, SPCA). On these days ākonga are welcome to attend our kura in clothing of their choice (noting that this should be appropriate for kura and include a hat or cap in the Summer terms).
Ākonga who do participate in mufti days are asked to bring a gold coin donation for the chosen charity.
Change of Contact Details
Office Drop Box
Visitors to Kura
Parents are welcome at Maidstone Intermediate. In the interests of security and safety for staff and ākonga, all visitors to the kura are requested to report to the Office and sign in. Thank you for your co-operation.
Messages to Ākonga
With a large number of ākonga, it can be challenging for Office staff to get phone messages to ākonga. It would be helpful if after kura arrangements could be made before your tamaiti leaves home in the morning.
We understand that emergencies happen, and at this time we will make every effort to get important messages to your tamaiti.
When picking your tamaiti up for an appointment please allow plenty of time. With the many activities and programmes ākonga participate in, it is not always easy to locate your child immediately.
Concerns & Complaints
If things aren’t going well and you are worried, concerned or have a complaint please come and see us. We can’t solve problems with you if we don’t know your concerns.
Concerns should be brought to the attention of the kaiako concerned first by contacting the kura and arranging an appointment with them. If it is not resolved, please put it in writing to the Tumuaki (Principal).
We do have a Complaints process and procedure on our website, see our kura policies page.
Kura Photos
Parents are asked to consent in the permissions section of the enrolment form to use ākonga photos on our website or in kura publications, yearbooks, news items etc. For kura records an individual and class photo will be taken each year and stored electronically. Ākonga and staff may use cameras for kura activities.
Ākonga Records
Every ākonga in a New Zealand kura has their name and other details recorded on the Ministry of Education ENROL register. When enrolling for the first time your tamaiti is assigned a unique National Student Number (NSN). The main reason for this is to ensure quick action if a child leaves one kura but does not enrol in another.
ENROL holds information about your tamaiti and their education journey.
This information includes:
• Name, address, gender, date of birth, ethnicity, iwi affiliation, citizenship, ESOL, eligibility
• Enrolled kura, year level, enrolment history, reason for leaving kura, post- school activity
• B4School, New Entrants and Year 7 Hearing and Vision checks
• Learning Support, ORS, Stand Downs and Suspensions
• Early Learning Service Participation (Year 1 only)
Purpose will be able to access your tamaiti information. Most of your tamaiti information can only be accessed by the school they are currently enrolled in. Name, date of birth, NSN and enrolment history can be accessed by other kura (unless a privacy flag is activated).
Tamariki and their parents or caregivers do not have direct access to ENROL