
Daily Notices

From: Matua Patrick Melaugh Rm 15
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Susan Naude Rm 04
Chess club
Chess club is on in room 4 today. If you would like to compete in this terms tournament please come see Mrs. Naude today. We will be doing friendly matches today. If you do not know how to play chess, but would like to learn, Please come along. 
See you at Lunch time. 
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Susan Naude Rm 04
Market Day Money Competition
We are looking for individuals or groups  who would like to design the currency we will use at the market day. Entry forms must please be fetched from room 4 during lunch time. You must use the original school template to design your money on.  All forms must please be returned to room 4 by next Friday, 2 August 2024. The winners will receive a market day voucher. If you have any questions please come see Mrs. Naude. 
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Brodee Smith - Pākuratahi Leader Rm 13
Non uniform day

Reminder that Monday is a non uniform day! Come dressed in colours, themes, traditions etc that represent your classes country!
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Sasha Robinson - Food Technology Whole School
Masterchef Masterchef is on this afternoon please bring your device. 
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Matua Patrick Melaugh Rm 15
Meeting for Kapahaka students Morning Tea Rm 16 Kia ora koutou

There is an urgent meeting for kapahaka students in Te waka manaakitanga (rm16) @ Morning tea today. Ngā mihi
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: James Smyth Rm 17
NFL Flag Training NFL Flag training is on today at lunchtime.
 Can these people please meet outside room 17 at the beginning of lunch.

Leo Muir 17
Beau Harlen 6
Lynette Treveranus 8
Carys Stevens 10
Peyton Amosa 13
Vani September 13
Ryker Haare PTK
Naza Fereti-Paku 2
Thomas Millar 12
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Isaac Hayes - Deputy Principal Whole School
Oho Ignite Year 8 After the school photo we will have ignite. 
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Darcy Solia - Visual Arts Whole School
PASIFIKA There is no Pasifika practice this afternoon. 
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Isaac Hayes - Deputy Principal Whole School
RLT on today 1:45 Mr Coetzer and Trent will be on the field ready for RLT today. 
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Isaac Hayes - Deputy Principal Whole School
Rugby League Training Training / trials for rugby league is after school 3pm - 4pm.

Mr Hayes and Mr Coetzer will be on the field
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Sasha Robinson - Food Technology Whole School
tuckshop Tuckshop is open today for juices, moosies and chippies. See you at lunch.
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Jodi Hartley - Remutaka Leader Rm 09
Aquabots Quick meeting in R9 at lunchtime please. All teams to attend.

Please also share your presentation with Mrs Hartley and Mr Fowler this morning.
Notice date: Friday 26th Jul 2024
From: Matt Molloy Rm 02
Important Notice for Yearbook Ākonga!

Exciting News!

All Yearbook Ākonga are invited to an important meeting this Wednesday in Block 3.
We'll be gathering in the library meeting room to discuss some creative and essential topics for this year's yearbook.

What to Bring:

  • Your Chrome book
  • Your thinking caps
  • Your creative flair

Be ready to brainstorm, collaborate, and bring your most imaginative ideas to the table. This is your chance to make a lasting impact on our yearbook, so don’t miss out!

See you all there!

Remember: Wednesday, Block 3, Library Meeting Room.

Let's make this yearbook unforgettable!

Notice date: Wednesday 24th Jul 2024